Eat Your Watermelon Seeds and Stop Spitting Them Out Already

Balmy days are around the corner, which means watermelon will soon become a daily staple again. 

Easily one of the best parts of summer. 

But you’ll be damned if you’re going to deal with those pesky seeds – we’ve seen our fair share of summer picnics ruined by a falsely advertised seedless melon. 

Here’s the thing: watermelon seeds are actually great for you. The trick is to save (don’t swallow!) and sprout them to reap the benefits, which include high protein (30g in 1 cup), a heap of B vitamins, minerals in abundance, and all the good fats. 

They’re pretty much the perfect addition to your post-workout diet. 

Now, onto the sprouting. Via the Huffington Post:

“Sprouted” seeds are germinated and oftentimes are higher in nutrients than their non-sprouted versions. Sprouting removes compounds in the food that make it difficult to absorb all of its nutrients, increases nutrient density and makes the food easier to digest. In the case of watermelon, the seeds are stripped of their black shells and resemble seeds.

You can find a complete guide on how to sprout the seeds yourself here. Alternatively, drying and roasting them yields the same health benefits and gives them a taste and texture similar to sunflower seeds.

So next time you’re at the supermarket, go for the seeds. 


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