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Dwight Murray: Today’s Notable Young Entrepreneur

Today’s Notable Young Entrepreneur is Dwight Murray, a self-taught Master Barber who’s currently operating three game-changing barbershops across the GTA with an eye on continental expansion. We caught up with him to find out what inspires his work and what advice he would share with other young professionals…



Describe what you do in less than 140 characters. Go.
I am a young entrepreneur who specializes in the area of barbering. When I thought about this business idea I wanted to bring something fresh and rewarding to an industry that existed for decades. That was when the idea of Miami Fades was born.

What was the inspiration for your career route?
When I was younger I grew up on the beautiful twin islands called Trinidad and Tobago. As a present one day, my mom gave me a barbering set. I practiced on my younger brothers and developed my skills. I was always interested in barbering as a hobby but never pursued it as a career. When I grew older the opportunity came about for me to continue my studies in Canada. Off I went, and I found myself in Ontario.

Things were going well for me; however, I was no longer receiving funding from my country. I had a choice: I could return empty-handed to Trinidad and Tobago or make something of myself here. I remembered the barbering set my mother had given to me and started practicing my art at barbershops until I was in demand by customers and shop owners. Boy, did that decision change my life. It was a tough experience, but here I am today and I don’t regret a moment of it.

What is the most memorable milestone in your career so far?
Opening my third location in Yorkville, Toronto, which is today the flagship of all Miami Fades locations. This location was when I found the official image for Miami Fades and how our professional services should be operated.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years?
In five to 10 years from now I see myself operating the biggest barbershop chain in North America. I see Miami Fades offering top quality services in every highly populated city in Canada and a Toronto Fade Master Academy state-of-the-art facility that will regulate and provide all Miami Fades locations with the highest standards and best trained Fade Masters.

Do you have any advice for other young professionals?
As a young professional you have an advantage because you have more time to make mistakes and learn from them. Never wait and think about something and not do it. Act immediately on something that you have passion for and that can generate income. Believe in yourself more than anyone else because you will experience a very rough time. In order to overcome the obstacles you will face you need to see where you are going and where you came from. Never get distracted by fast growth or too much income; stay grounded and focus. Time is your best friend once you respect and run with it.

Do you support any charities? If so, which one(s) and why is it (or they) important to you?
Every year I try to generate a toy and food drive and make a donation to Tropicana Community Services. This organization really stood out to me because they provide various services to newcomers from the Caribbean with opportunities to make positive life choices and live successful lives.

What is one major challenge that you’ve had to overcome in your career? How did you overcome it?
After many years of experience training all types of students, I’ve realized that I’m passionate about teaching and I can teach anyone, anytime. I had so much confidence until I came across an applicant that was deaf. I realized from that moment that this would be one major challenge I had never experienced before. I amplified my training syllabus to be more detailed and explanatory in the theory section. I designed diagrams and charts to assist in a mute class setting. Practical training was intense because I had to exaggerate movement and invent signs for the student to understand. After completing the training with my first deaf student, I was able to graduate him as a Fade Master. Now he can independently complete any style of fade in a barbershop.

What does the word notable mean to you?
Notable means vital information of any category that can be “noted” and will have a positive impact on its audience.


Where is your favourite place to wine/dine in your city and why?
For some reason I always find myself at Bedford Academy. It’s a very cozy and welcoming spot that makes me feel like I am in a different country. Sometimes when I’m there I feel like I am in Amsterdam, Belgium, Scotland or England. The food is perfect.

What’s the most visited website on your Internet browser? The most played song on your phone?
Miami Fades. Bob Marley – Everything Gonna be Alright.

Who’s one person you think everyone should be following on social media?
Barack Obama.

What’s your favourite country to visit and why? And what’s the next one you plan on travelling to?
My favourite country to visit is Trinidad and Tobago because it’s my home. I think for my next adventure I would like to go to Jamaica, maybe even check out The Bob Marley museum.

What gives you the greatest FOMO?
The Olympics.

What’s something you wish you didn’t spend so much money on? What’s something you wish you spent more on?
I realized I spent too much money on paying business property leases. I prefer to invest my money into real estate and own the property I operate my business on.

And finally, what does success look like to you? Work, play, or otherwise…
Success is ultimate happiness for me and everyone that is involved in my life.


Notable Life

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