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Category: Tech

The Yelp for People is Officially Here…and It’s Still a Terrible Idea

Peeple was dubbed “the Yelp for humans” when it was announced back in October. And now it’s out and available. The reassuring news it that its potential for damage (i.e. rampant cyber bullying) isn’t as high as initially thought. Actually, it’s virtually non-existent (at least for the moment). The not-so-exciting news

Google Launches ‘Destinations’, Makes Travel Planning a Walk on the Beach

There’s an app for that There are hundreds of apps for that. And that, and that. Oh yes, and that too. It’s mind boggling sometimes. Between trawling through the many out there and scrolling through customer reviews it can be overwhelming. Luckily for us, Google feels the same way – especially when it

New Canadian Project Monitors Signs of Mental Illness on Social Media

Social media data could soon be used to identify and track people who show signs of mental illness online. Yesterday, Minister of Science Kirsty Duncan announced more than $48 million in federal funding for 76 research teams across Canada through the Natural Sciences and Engineering Council of Canada’s (NSERC) Strategic Partnership Grants. Of that, $464,100 has been granted to Diana Inkpen from

LinkedIn CEO Gives His Entire $19 Million Stock Bonus to Employees

It’s never reassuring to watch the stock of the company that employs you plummet. In reaction to rapidly falling stock prices, LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner has given his entire $19 million CDN annual stock bonus to his employees, who have been hit hard by the drop. Whether out of the goodness