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Category: Tech

Sadly, The Re-Released Nokia 3310 Will Not Work In Canada

The incredible, indestructible Nokia 3310 that we all owned in the early Oughts was confirmed to be making its return at The Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain on Sunday. The iconic Nokia 3310 is set to be launched this summer but the remodeled version of Nokia 3310  is not going

A Very Real New Fashion Trend In Europe: Air Pollution Masks Air pollution is the world’s single largest environmental health risk and, at some point, fashion and practicality need to cross paths in more places than Asia alone. The Guardian recently published a fashion feature on air pollution masks and how they may become the newest accessory to prop up

Hilarious Lebanese Ice Bucket Challenge Just Happened, Years Too Late

Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge that took over news feeds back in the summer of 2014? While the epic viral fundraising challenge (which actually led to a major breakthrough in ALS research) isn’t easy to forget, not only was the campaign over years ago, it disappeared from social media almost

Watch Elon Musk’s SpaceX Rocket Launch From Kennedy Space Centre This Morning

After the original SpaceX rocket launch was cancelled on Saturday, NASA successfully launched their rocket from NASA’s Kennedy Space Centre early Sunday morning. SpaceX is the name of Elon Musk’s Space Explorations Technologies Corporation. Musk and his team successfully launched a Falcon 9 rocket on Sunday morning, carrying 5,500 pounds

These Robotic ‘Touching’ Gloves Could Save Long-Distance Relationships

Distance used to make the heart grow lonely, sad and frustrated for couples separated by geographical barriers. Now, genius developers have helped out long-distance lovers with a total game-changer: Flex-N-Feel, a new pair of super high-tech gloves that lets two people in different locations engage in any type of touching that