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Category: Tech

Snapchat Must Snap Back At The Competition

Snap Inc., the company behind Snapchat, is having a weird year. They started strong with an Initial Public Offering (IPO) beyond their estimated value but in recent months that number has seen a sporadic dive. They just reported a $1.2 billion revenue loss this past year. Even before their stock

The Gaming Community Knows What It’s Doing. Does the UN?

My first video game system was a Nintendo 64. I was six years old, my dad just left the year before. While my mom worked like crazy going back to school and working a part-time job, my brother and I spent most of our evenings bonding over our love of

Murderers, Cheaters & Bad Friends Should Quickly Turn Off Snap Map

On Wednesday, Snapchat debuted its latest feature, Snap Map, that lets other people see exactly where you are in real time. Some users are seeing the tools as a fun new upgrade to Snapchat, others see it as super creepy, and the rest of us see Snap Map as the

Google Added 3,000 Indigenous Reserves to Maps for Aboriginal Day

Google has added 3,000 Canadian indigenous reserves and settlement lands to Google Maps and Google Earth platforms. Google unveiled the project earlier today, June 21st and Summer Solstice, which is National Aboriginal Day in Canada. Google said the launch is the culmination of a seven-year collaboration between indigenous communities in

Infuriating: Get Ready to Pay Even More for Internet in Canada

You might have to pay more for internet just keep old media around in Canada. Liberal MP’s are planning to push for a 5 percent tax on internet service providers (ISP) in order to help fund more Canadian content. Since you rely on ISP’s to keep their service going, you’re