
Executive Reads: Chad Cranston

Executive Reads: Chad Cranston

Chad Cranston is the Co-Founder of TCHAD Quarterly, responsible for executive editorial decisions, advertising, online and social media, and constantly improving and finding ways to move forward. Combining stunning art and photographs, and a sleek, minimalistic visual design, the coffee table book...
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Beyond Viral: Kony 2012

Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 24 hours or so, you would have at least heard the name Kony by now. A massive viral campaign by Invisible Children is now under way and could very well be the social media story of the year
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Tweeting Your Way Through Events

Live-Tweeting from events is common practice amongst young professionals. But aside from the social pleasures of connecting through social media, there are very useful reasons for broadcasting the night's happenings in less than 140 characters
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Happy 178th Birthday, Toronto!

Toronto celebrates its 178th anniversary today since its incorporation on March 6, 1834. Here are five city-defining elements that have helped shape our city into the cultural, financial and entertainment leader it is today
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British Columbia's Best Red Wines

Fresh off of a few too many wine tastings at the International Playhouse Wine Festival, we're recapping our favourite glasses of red from our very own backyard. Here's the best of BC
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Behind the Scenes with Rebus Life

Rebus denim and their signature LAZY PANTSâ„¢ are staples in the Toronto young professional wardrobe. Recently, this local brand caught the eye of GQ magazine, which could catapult the clothing line into the spotlight very soon
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The Upside Now: Just Noise

Imagine how much more productive you would be if you could just focus on what's on hand and ignore all the noise surrounding it. Whether it be a six-day work week or a quick take-out meal every now and then, here are some ways to maximize your output
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