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Category: Health + Wellness

Cigarettes Are About to Become Even Less Cool if WHO Has its Way

The World Health Organization (WHO) wants to suck any lingering ‘glamour’ out of smoking. Following the example of a growing number of countries, the WHO is now calling on other nations to prepare for plain packaging of cigarettes. In an editorial published in the medical journal The Lancet, the WHO says plain

These Are the 20 Most Physically Active Professions

Most of us have had those days when we realize we’ve barely taken more than 50 steps in our 9-5 confines, thanks to the constant workload that keeps us at our desk and behind a screen. There’s a reason why ‘office ass’ became a (much-feared) term. Indeed, when it comes to

How to Overcome the Pressure to Be Perfect

These days, it seems that people are either ecstatic or going through a really difficult time. At least, that’s the case in my social networks as of late. While the countless engagement and baby announcements (and subsequent baby photos) continue to flood newsfeeds on the regular, it turns out that

9 Adrenaline-Pumping Activities You Have to Try in Canada

If you’re in the mood for a little (or a massive) adrenaline rush, Canada is filled with them. If you call yourself an adrenaline junkie (or a wannabe adrenaline junkie) you should make a point to check these off your bucket list. 1. White Water Raft Down the Ottawa River