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#CareerGoals: Toronto-Based Realtor, Brett Stark

Brett Stark isn’t your typical realtor. Using marketing tools like ASMR videos and closing gifts like helicopter rides, he’s pulling out all of the stops to create a unique career in real estate.

Brett Stark is a Toronto based realtor whose team is using innovative and creative ways to sell real estate. Whether that’s through ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian respo) videos or closing gifts like surprise adventures, their clients appreciate the unique and valuable experience they have with Stark and his team. We had a chance to sit down and chat with Brett about his booming business.

In simple terms, can you explain what you do? 
I sell real estate – which just so happens to be my slogan.

How did you get into real estate?
A friend of mine asked me to join his team. From there, I went to realtor college, which was made up of three different courses taking about 3 months to complete. Now, I have my own team.

What makes your job #CareerGoals?
I do real estate in a different way than most. Our team uses different approaches to sell properties. We are the first and only people in real estate that have sold a property through Bitcoin. We also just released the world’s first ASMR real estate video. It’s a really interesting way to sell and to connect with people. People are letting us into the most intimate spaces of their life.

Can you tell me more about how you are using these ASMR videos to sell real estate?
I am actually one of the people who can feel those “ASMR” tingles, which led me to try and create an ASMR video myself. Every month, I am putting out the Toronto real estate states in ASMR format.

How is this career feeding into your overall life goals?
In the office, we use a method called the triple bottom line. The first bottom line is financial, we’ve actually met our financial goals for the year which is incredible. The second is social, we give back to the community with something called junior achievement. We sponsor a junior achievement team which creates their own business from scratch, comes up with a product idea and sells it in the marketplace. We are helping young achieve get into their dreams. The third part is environmental. We take transit as much as we can and we are also completely paperless. These all help to enrich my life.

What type of person is suitable for what you do?
Somebody that has the killer instinct. Someone who has those instinctual vibes yet still cares for the person because ts a referral based business. If you are just going in to try and get only one sale at a time, you’re going to have a short career. The way to be successful is to give the clients you have the best service, from there, they will likely refer you to more clients.

Three tips for being successful in what you do?
1. Be in the office.
2. Research and read about real estate.
3. Follow someone that you don’t like what they are doing and make sure you don’t make the same mistakes.

What do you have that is exciting coming up?
We have a new video coming out next week. We try and give extraordinary closing gifts for our clients. Instead of giving something like a bottle of champagne or wine, we give experiences. So, we are sending our clients up in a helicopter. They have no idea that this is going to happen, all they know is that they have to come to my office at 11am on Saturday. We are going to surprise them with an experience they can share for the rest of their lives.

You can check out Stark’s first ASMR video here, as well as the surprise helicopter closing gift video here! Connect with Brett Stark on or through LinkedIn.

Audrey Lee