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Business of Weed August 23rd, 2018

This week in the world of weed…

The Business of Weed is a weekly series brought to you by Jay Rosenthal, the Co-founder and President of Business of Cannabis, to keep you up to date on all weed-related news. Here are this week’s biggest headlines.

26 Ontario Winners

As Ontario enters a new era of legal cannabis – the Ontario Cannabis Store will be the only place to buy legal cannabis starting on October 27, 2018. Even then, there will only be online sales until early 2019 when physical stores open up. And online shop is expected to be a busy place. This week, the Ontario Cannabis Store announced a list of 26 Licensed Producers who will supply Ontarians with their legal bud. For these 26 LPs, the cannabis party started early as they will supply the worlds largest, legal, online cannabis shop this fall.

Chelsea Does Canada

As Canada heads to legalized cannabis in the fall, celebrities are taking notice. None more than Chelsea Handler, who announced this week that she will hit the Canadian road this fall for a series of “town halls” with Derek Riedle, the CEO of cannabis media platform Civilized to talk cannabis.

Cannabis-Infused Sex
Cannabis brands are starting to realize what nearly every other brand in the universe realizes already – that sex sells. But in the case of cannabis – consumers are realizing that cannabis can make sex more pleasurable, less anxiety-ridden and, frankly, more fun. None other than The Globe & Mail took a look at sex and cannabis this week

That’s all for this week! Make sure to check back next week to stay up to date with all of your weed-related news.

Jay Rosenthal