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How To Deal With a Long-Distance Family

As my dad twirled me around the vinyl dance floor, my eyes teared up with the realization that this moment may never happen again. Across from us, my mom and her husband laughed, my cousin held her sleeping daughter, my grandparents sipped on a rare glass of wine, and my

I Started a Gratitude Journal Like Oprah and This is What I Learned

For over a decade, the queen of daytime Oprah Winfrey wrote down at least three things she was grateful for. She called it her daily “Gratitude Journal,” and praised it as a life-changing ritual. So naturally I had to test it out for myself because, as a millennial, I’m all

5 Toronto-based Etsy Vendors You Need to Check Out ASAP

Remember that glittery, Mother’s Day card you made in elementary school? Or the mixtape you scrapped together for your failed rapping career? Maybe it’s time you revived those neglected creativity skills and started selling your craft on Etsy – the whimsical online marketplace for the hobbyist in you. To inspire

5 Essential Items You Need for the Ultimate Fall Staycation

After an hour of binge-scrolling through ‘wanderlust’ Instagram accounts curated by travel writers, models and people who aren’t you – you’re now debating whether or not you can use those last remaining personal days for a vacation. Well, you don’t really need to. “Staycations” are the perfect thing for normal

How to Appropriately Deal with Americans During the Election, From an American

As I stuffed my mouth with buttered popcorn, he hit me with that question. “Who are you voting for?” My normal knee-jerk reaction is to laugh awkwardly and change the subject while screaming internally, “It’s none of your damn business!” This time, however, with my mouth full of popcorn and a