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Why Toronto Needs to Be More Thankful for the Streetcar

What spans 83km, has 600V running through it, and lets roughly 250, 000 Torontonians ride it per day? It’s the one, the only, ever-popular Toronto Streetcar System. Hating public transit is an easy thing to do. Sometimes it doesn’t come when you want it, sometimes it’s unbearably stuffy and crowded,

The 6 Best Places to Go in Toronto to Get Inspired

Taking the plunge and moving to the big city can be both the best and worst thing to happen to your professional career. On the one hand, you’ve got ample opportunities and a plentiful network right at your fingertips. On the other, you’re a tiny little minnow who barely knows

This is How You Can Actually Make a Long-Distance Relationship Work

You’ve heard it all before – absence makes the heart grow fonder. But sometimes, if you’re on the unlucky side of the spectrum, absence makes the heart shrivel up, turn away, get a makeover, and screw someone else. Making that distance work (and really work, to the point where you’re

I Went Vegan for 5 Days – Here’s What Happened

If you think bacon is a Holy Grail to be sprinkled atop everything, can’t imagine a day without food dripping in cheese, and believe “plant-based-dieters” are a special kind of crazy, this article probably isn’t for you. Before embarking on this challenge, I did a little research and discovered that there

I Spent $5 a Day for a Week – Here’s How I Made it Work

You come home from work and you’re so hungry and tired, everyone is starting to look like cartoon hot-dog versions of themselves. You open your phone and pull up a delivery app and order from your favourite Thai restaurant – $28.75 with delivery charge. It’s a little hefty but you