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Murderers, Cheaters & Bad Friends Should Quickly Turn Off Snap Map

On Wednesday, Snapchat debuted its latest feature, Snap Map, that lets other people see exactly where you are in real time. Some users are seeing the tools as a fun new upgrade to Snapchat, others see it as super creepy, and the rest of us see Snap Map as the

Dudes Now Prefer Personalized Luxury Travel Over Backpacking Trips

The sharing economy and a market demand for personalized experiences have changed how Millennial men like to travel. When a pair of flip-flops and an oversized backpack were all young guns used to desire for a trip to Thailand, today it’s a well-designed suitcase and environmentally sustainable accommodations. Guys are

3 Smart Ways to Rewrite Your Resume With Emotional Intelligence

The new school of career-ing is all about emotional intelligence. Smart and humane employers — the kind you employers you really want to work for — know that a recruit can be educated and arrive at work with a sweet set of skills, but if they don’t have the ability

6 Signs You’re Pretty Bad at Your Job

Is there any worse feeling than thinking you’re doing a horrible job at work? If you are a careerist, there isn’t. If you feel you’re not doing a good job at work, it’s important to uncover why that may be and take steps to fix the situation. Being a terrible

This Amber Rose NSFW Photo Is Actually Really Surprising

Amber Rose has made great strides with her personal brand. She’s grown from being regarded simply as Kanye West’s ex-girlfriend to a prominent advocate for sexual empowerment, an author, leader of The Amber Rose Slutwalk and the host of her own podcast, Loveline with Amber Rose. Wonderfully explicit as she