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The Top 5 Best Moments from the CCMAs

The Canadian Country Music Awards were live last night at the FirstOntario Centre in Hamilton and music fans and artists alike celebrated the biggest night in Canadian country music. With performances from stars like Keith Urban, Brett Kissel and Lindsay Ell, the awards offered Canadians a chance to get up

A #BTS Look at the MMVAs

If you grew up in Canada you know that every summer as we near the end of the season the iHeartRadio MMVAs take over Toronto’s downtown core and bring tweens, teens and celebs in herds. And as someone who was born and raised in the city I’ve honestly always had

Drake is #InMyFeelings and Everyone Else’s

Keke, do you love me? This seems to be the question on everyone’s mind and the reason why celebrities and regular folk alike are jumping out of cars, golf carts and breaking out in dance to #DoTheShiggy all over the world. Ever since Drake dropped his Scorpion album and the

Everything You Need to Know for Amazon Prime Day

Amazon Prime Day is tomorrow, Monday, July 16th. While the company saw smashed records both nationally and globally last year, many Canadians are still wondering, still have no idea what it is. Here’s the 411: Prime Day is a 36-hour sale on for Canadian Prime Members. Not a Prime