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The Importance of Reducing Food Waste

Never before in the existence of humanity has our planet been subject to such a burgeoning strain. The recent IPCC report sounds like a final warning before the effects of climate change are irreversible. Carbon emissions continue to be the driver of these changes with the agriculture and forestry sectors

Food as Therapy – A Delve into Healing, Through Cooking

By Notable Contributor, Chris Locke Food at its basic level is energy for living organisms. But food to humans has become so much more. We use it as a cultural vessel and to tell stories. We have created sciences around the subject and even recognize it as an art form.

An In-Hospitable Industry: Harassment and Abuse in Restaurants

Restaurants have always been a hotbed for abuse and harassment. Physical, verbal, psychological and indirect abuse through long hours in uncomfortable conditions. In addition, harassment of employees by co-workers, managers and customers has been normalized for a long time. An Australian study showed that 89% of female restaurant workers had

The Square Root of Delicious

If we take a look at our eating habits over the past 50 years, it is clear that there has been a slew of imported foods making their way into our grocery stores, while homegrown, seasonal produce has been bumped to the backseat. Canada has so much to offer us