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#NotableBusiness: Online Consignment Effortless SecondHand Shop

One day Justine Stinvil decided that she wanted to make the switch to a more sustainable and conscious wardrobe. While in the process of getting rid of some clothes she knew she could make some money back on, she decided to search for a consignment store that could resell her

Is Social Media Glamourizing Mental Illness?

When scrolling through your social media channels, how often do you see mental health buzz words like “depressed” or “anxiety” thrown around casually?  I’m sure the answer is often; it’s become so normalized we don’t even think twice about it! With the 21st century came the emergence of greater mental health

7 Tips For Single Parents Getting Through College or University

Last summer, it had been over a year since I was in school. I had just come off of my one-year maternity leave, I was back at a part-time job that wasn’t fulfilling for me in the slightest and I was now a single mother to a one-year-old depending on