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Alcohol sales with takeout and delivery will be allowed permanently

Delivery and takeout have become pandemic staples. For many, so has drinking.

Ontarians were thrilled, then, when the province temporarily allowed them to order booze with their takeout or delivery. So were hospitality businesses, considering the high margin of alcohol sales.

It’s always fun to wonder which lessons and exceptions from the pandemic will carry over to the so-called “new normal.” Well, here’s one ’em. Last week, the provincial government said licensed businesses will forever be able to offer take-home wine, beer, and cocktails.

“We’re building on the actions we took early in the pandemic to support local restaurants, bars and other businesses by providing permanent help to workers and small businesses as they face these ongoing challenges,” Attorney General Doug Downey said in a news release.

“Local restaurants and bars are essential to community life in this province.”

Not so long ago, the province also gave local brewers and distillers the green light to sell Ontario-made spirits and wine at farmer’s markets

Slowly but surely, Ontario’s arcane liquor laws are dismantling.

Christian Nathler

Christian Nathler is a contributing writer at Notable Life.