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8 Ways to Cope with Christmas this Year

With the sound of carols and office parties in full swing, the inevitable countdown to Christmas is on. So if you’re one of those people who gets filled with dread rather than merriment over the approaching holidays, consider changing up your routine for something a little more appealing

Frantic trips to the mall.
Expensive flights home.
Non-stop family.
Endless Bing Crosby.
Getting asked those hard to answer questions about why you haven’t settled down or met the “one.”
Faking it when you get that god awful sweater from your mom.

Merry Christmas…?

Our lives are stressful enough so why make it extra hard on yourself during December? So in an effort to make the 25th a little more enjoyable this year, we’re suggesting you opt out of tradition and come up with your own unique ways to celebrate with family and friends.

Here are 8 fun suggestions on how to cope with the festive season.

1. Ditch The Presents
With the insane amount of money we spend on presents, why not use that money towards flying somewhere hot. While most people scoff at holiday prices, you’d be surprised at the deals you can get on Christmas Day to destinations like Hawaii, California, and Mexico.

And a day on the beach seems so much better than unwrapping another crock-pot, doesn’t it?

2. Make Friends Your Family
Not to knock spending time with your relatives but rounding up the people who will be sans family this Christmas can be a lot of fun.

Plan a potluck, play your own music, drink good wine, and relish in the fact that you won’t get stuck to that weird aunt who always fall asleep at your parent’s dinner table.

3. Drunken Karaoke
This is something even Grandma can get into.

4. Make it an Endless Summer…in Winter
If you can’t escape Canada then make Tofino your destination. With a laid back atmosphere you’ll forget the holiday stress in no time. 

Not to mention, the surf is always good here in the winter. We also recommend topping off the experience by watching the classic film Endless Summer to really make it feel like a full-fledged surf trip.

5. Go Out for Dinner
If the thought of dealing with a 20 pound turkey is too much pressure then make reservations elsewhere or head to China Town for a smorgasbord of comfort food that will satisfy you sans tryptophan. 

6. Treat. Yo. Self.
You spend every other weekend in the mountains so why make Christmas an exception? CRMR has a handful of stunning accommodations that are just a few hours drive away.  

7. Play ‘Cards Against Humanity’…
With the entire family.

This will be so much better than making small talk. 

8.  Deal With the Cold
We know it’s not exactly Santa’s sleigh but if you’re stuck in the cold then find new ways to enjoy it. For instance, if you’ve never tried dog sledding in Canmore, you haven’t lived. 


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