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8 Things You Can Do in Toronto Now That it’s Spring

There’s really nothing better than Toronto in the warmer months. Now that it’s officially spring (whether it feels like it or not), it’s time to embrace everything the city has to offer. Here are 8 ways to do just that

In theory, it’s here.

Though it hasn’t revealed itself weather-wise aside from a few brief hours of teasing is here and there, it is now officially spring.

And there’s no better time to enjoy the city than after the ice melts.

Here are 8 things you can do in Toronto now that it’s spring.

1. Take Your Niece and Nephew to Riverdale Farm Without Freezing Your Ass Off
You can finally follow through on your promise to take your niece or nephew to Riverdale Farm. That’s because it’s warm enough to stand still outside for longer than 10 minutes and pretend to be as into the animals as they are.

2. Get to Work Quicker
Now that you don’t risk slipping on ice or developing frostbite within minutes, you can get to work quicker because you can actually – wait for it – walk. With all the brutal city construction and traffic, that’s usually a much quicker (and less stressful) option than taking a cab or streetcar.

3. Spend a Sunday Funday Patio-Hopping
Everything is better in Toronto once the patios re-open for the season. For a city that’s covered in ice for half the year, we definitely get something right when it comes to patios. As you’ll recall, we even curated a selection of the 17 best spots this season.

4. Eat Healthier
Not only will you save money on your takeout, you’ll also eat healthier when you decide to cook (or BBQ) thanks to the re-opening of Toronto’s farmers’ markets. They’re actually all over the city, including the Evergreen Farmers Market at Brickworks, Dufferin Grove Farmers Market, and the Withrow Park Farmers Market, among others. It doesn’t get more local than that. 

5. Visit the Distillery District Without Cursing the Walk to the Restaurant
You probably haven’t been to the Distillery District since the Christmas Market a few months back. As great as the restaurants are, you didn’t want to bear the cold on the walk from the front gates to the front door of the restaurant. Now that the temperature is tolerable, you can revisit favourites like Cluny Bistro, El Catrin, and Pure Spirits Oyster House.

6. Have More Fun Shopping
Shopping is fun again when you’re not confined to a mall. It’s now warm enough to spend the day shoe shopping on the streets of Yorkville, browsing furniture on Queen West, or hunting for fun vintage finds in Kensington Market.

7. Pound the Pavement Instead of the Treadmill
It’s finally running season in the city – and that means no shortage of runs to train for this season. This includes the Nike Women’s 15 K on the Toronto Island (June 14), the Goodlife Toronto Marathon, or the Scotiabank Toronto Waterfront Marathon (October 18).

8. Rediscover Yorkville
We admit, there’s less of a reason to hit Yorkville than there was back in the day. But if there is ever a time to spend a day on its quaint streets, it’s in the summer. After all, all it takes is one visit to Summer’s and finding a prime piece of real estate on “the rock,” and you’ve got yourself a pretty memorable evening. 


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