8 Reasons Why This is the Best Generation Ever to Be Single

A lot of people like to talk about how terrible it is to be single these days.

We’re not so sure they know how good they have it.

Being single as a millennial in 2015 has its challenges, of course – careers often take precedence over dating, being an odd wheel at brunch kinda sucks, plus the fact that around 95 per cent of the population is undateable. But they’re not unlike many similar issues anyone navigating life in solitude faced in previous generations.

Here’s why the current generation is the best ever to be single…

Singles events are way better.
‘Singles night’ in the 90s would have been an abysmal affair. We have cool sh*t now, like the Nextflix and Chill Festival.

Valentine’s Day means nothing.
Perhaps there was a time when Valentine’s Day was actually kind of nice. Today, you’d be hard-pressed to find even the most romantic of couples muster enthusiasm for what is essentially a mid-winter marketing ploy. But that’s none of your business.

Careers are cool.
We’re a generation of disruptors, problem-solvers, and self-starters, all of which is made more difficult when you have to balance work with a relationship. Being single allows us the time and freedom to pursue careers we actually want.

Pop culture celebrates it. 
In the days of yesteryear, it might have been common to sit alone on the couch with a tub of ice cream across from two bottles of empty red wine and watch happy couples on TV. These days, you’re more likely to sit alone on the couch with a tub of ice cream across from two bottles of empty red wine watching a show about someone sitting alone on the couch with a tub of ice cream across from two bottles of empty red wine.

Travel is easier than ever.
Which means you can meet other singles from literally every corner of the world. This surely increases the odds of finding your actual soulmate.

You’re not a spinster by 22.
The societal pressure on women to get married and have kids has eased significantly even since our parents’ generation. Be single longer, have fun, and get that dream job; it’s all good.

No one judges you.
Similar to the point above, “settling down” isn’t the goal of life anymore. It’s becoming more common to assume people are single by choice, not circumstance.

Say what you want about swipe apps and hook-up culture – Tinder is as great or awful as you make it. Nothing wrong with having more options to meet people.
