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19 Instagram Accounts That Will Inspire the Sh*t Out Of You

Social media is filled with marketing, business and celebrity profiles – but there are accounts that simply inspire anyone who crosses their path.

Everybody needs a little from time to time, and Instagram is the platform to do that. These are our go-to accounts to follow if you’re in need of some inspiration


GoPro cameras have changed the videography game. Posting pictures and videos of intense ski jumps or surfers riding waves, GoPro will motivate you to get out of your comfort zone.

natgeo National Geographic posts some of the most inspiring photos on Instagram. Documenting the exotic lives of both animals and humans, you won’t find these shots anywhere else.

@natgeo, Photograph by David Coventry. @davidcoventry – Giving pause to consider the balance of our planet. Celebrating Earth Day, on April 22nd. Recent finding from NASA researchers from JPL ( Jet Propulsion Lab), believe that melting ice is redistributing the planet’s weight balance. The Earth has always been heavier at its poles, because large bodies of water are frozen as ice and exert a form of pressure, keeping things reasonably stable. But as the planet warms up and the ice begins to melt, the weight moves from the top and bottom into the middle, creating a “wobble” effect. Since NASA’S 134-year record of recording global temperatures, January & February 2016 have been the hottest on record. Over the past 50 years, the average global temperature has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history. The impact of global warming is being felt across the globe with extreme heat waves, devastating tropical storms, rising sea levels, severe droughts, & wild fires all creating a reality of environmental, economic and health consequences. #NatGeoEarthDay, #Earthday, #NASA, #JPL, #ClimateChange, #Science, #globalwarming, #recordtemperatures, #co2emissions, #globaltemperatures A photo posted by National Geographic (@natgeo) on

Humans of New York has become so beloved in recent years that the organization has released a best-selling book. The lives of average New Yorkers – and people around the world – has never been so interesting and will surely give you all the feels.

passionpassport If you’re one who dreams of travelling but can’t afford the expensive trips, this account is just for you. Prepare to travel the world in the comfort of your own home.

This is the account to follow if you’re looking to stretch your fitness lifestyle to include yoga. Rachel Brathen broadcasts different yoga poses to help you find your zen.

When you wake up and feel like absolute, total crap… Try this: _______________________________________________________ • • • Drink a giant glass of water. We live on a blue planet and are made of water almost entirely. Dehydration messes with body and mind so drink up. • • • Walk your dogs. Just walk. Feel the wind on your face. Let them decide the pace. Pet them. Pick up poop. Notice the simplicity of the joy your animals experience from being outside. • • • Practice yoga, 20 min or more. Move slowly. It doesn’t matter what you do, just that you do it. Choose your favorite poses. Invite your dogs to join. Stretch and breathe. • • • Spike mat, 20 min. Lay down and wait for the fire trickling down your spine to reach your entire body until it feels like you’re floating. Every time your mind pops into the equation with ideas of how you could better spend your time, thoughts about work or anything that causes your forehead to crease up in a frown… Bring your focus back to your breath. Come back to the breath. Again and again. • • • Massage balls, 20 min. Find the tightest spot in your body and keep working it until you can relax. Breathe space into the tension. Feel your whole body letting go. • • • Cook food. Light a candle. Eat without distraction. • • • Count your blessings. Literally: 1 Husband 2 Dogs 3 Family 4 Friends 5 Body 6 Breath 7 Ocean 8 Community 9 House 10 Business 11 This moment … Keep counting and don’t stop until you have gotten sick of it and thus realized just how damn lucky you are to be alive. Don’t have bad days – have bad moments instead. Own it. Feel it. Get out of it. Life is beautiful and you have more blessings than you’ll ever be able to count so be grateful. #thankyou #thankyou #thankyou

A photo posted by Rachel Brathen (@yoga_girl) on

patagonia Patagonia might just have one of the most inspiring Instagram accounts on social media. These pictures will make you want to travel the world – so don’t blame us if you find yourself purchasing a ticket to South America.

Everyday above ground is a good day — @brittany_griffith on Scarface. Photo: @andrew_burr A photo posted by Patagonia (@patagonia) on

Paris-based photographer Cain Olsson is living the dream and documenting every second of it. This account will do its job to inspire you – and make you quite a bit jealous.

happsters This account will deliver daily inspirational quotes that cater to your #mondaymotivation, #wednesdaywisdom, or every other day of the week.

Double tap if you agree? We never really grow up, we just learn how to act in public. A photo posted by Happy Quotes & Inspiration✨ (@happsters) on

Not only will it motivate you to eat healthier, but this account will also leave you drooling all over your phone. These girls sure know how to build an appetite.

therock Yes, wrestler, actor, and producer Dwayne Johnson. Often posing with fans and posting self-righteous photos tagged with motivational quotes, this account is definitely worth following.

Manny Khoshbin isn’t your typical millionaire flaunting his money. Often posting about his humble beginnings as an American immigrant, he tells his inspiring story through Instagram.

the_luxury_life Look no further if material possessions are more your calling. This account has all of the cars, yachts and mansions you so desire.

Alex Honnold is an adrenaline junkie who documents his rock climbing adventures. He is also an inspiration to get up and get out – his pictures go a long way.

jaredchambers Jared Chambers is a California-based photographer, spreading his creative content all over Instagram. This account will without a doubt have you getting in touch with your artsy side.

charity:water is an organization bringing clean, safe drinking water to communities in need worldwide. This account will inspire you to do some good and get karma on your side.

ohsheglows Angela Liddon is an award-winning food nutrition author. Her posts will have you putting in clean food into your body – time to get rid of those potato chips. Don’t worry about the cooking, because her recipes are always posted with the pictures.

This art/tech company is inspiring people to connect through creativity. Use that smartphone to your full advantage, people – you’re capable of a lot more than you may think.

markseliger Mark Seliger is known for his iconic Rolling Stone covers. His photography has featured the likes of Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama.

The world-famous graffiti artist posts photos of his artwork around the globe. His visually moving pieces are one of a kind and will have you feeling inspired to get in touch with your inner creativity.

Coney Island

A photo posted by Banksy (@banksyny) on


Ross Andersen

Ross is currently completing an internship with Notable, while taking time off from Sheridan College. When Ross isn't a slave to his textbooks, he spends his free time picking up coffee for everyone at the office.Ross is currently completing an internship with Notable, while taking time off from Sheridan College. When Ross isn't a slave to his textbooks, he spends his free time picking up coffee for everyone at the office.