11 Social Media Dos and Don’ts for Young Professionals

For business and pleasure, for friends and foes, for networking and creeping, we young professionals (YPs) love all facets of social media. It’s no surprise, then, that here at Notable we talk a ton about how our fave social media platforms can both help and hinder the young professional lifestyle. Whether you’re still unsure of how to take full advantage of Twitter, or how to evolve your personal Facebook into your professional life, we’ve compiled this in-depth, one-stop guide of social media blunders and benefits to help us all keep our online reps in check:

1. DO tweet: The Importance of Tweeting for Young Professionals

2. DO take selfies the right way: Here’s How to Take the Perfect Selfie.

3. DON’T perpetuate the cycle of bogus info: Stopping the Spread of Phoney Info on Social Media.

4. DO engage with other YPs at events: Tweeting Your Way Through Events.

5. DO give your Facebook a facelift: Should You Clean Up Your Facebook? 

6. DON’T assume your friends are good just because they appear so in social media: Assuming Perfect: Insight Gained From a Life Cut Short

7. DO learn from the pros: Socialnomics: Author Erik Qualman Talks Social Media and Influence

8. DO take time to consider how much social media exposure is truly right for you: Is Silence Golden During the Social Media Age?

9. DON’T “humblebrag”: The Humblebrag: Altruistic or All Too Annoying? 

10. DO build the right job-seeker profile: Desperate vs. Dignified: Job Tiles for the Jobless.  

11. DO utilize networking possibilities: Getting Business Contacts Without Forced Networking.

At a time when so much of our lives are oh-so public (and potentially permanently so) thanks to social media, YPs must be ever-aware and respectful of the powers that our social media manners can have on our personal lives and professional reputations. 

#LYNL | (Live Your Notable Life)


Cover image from: Collaborativedivorceoptions

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