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11 of the Coolest Looking Subway Stations in the World

Just because you're stuck underground waiting to board a train with hundreds of other commuters doesn't mean you can't be inspired at the same time. Well, at least some subway stations understand that

Yesterday we told you about an amazing new subway station being built in NYC, and it got us thinking:

There must be a hell of a lot of great platforms just waiting for us to, well, wait on them.

And there most definitely are. Here are just 11 of our favourites from around the globe. (Yes, Toronto managed to make the list.)

A subway station bucket list? Until now we might not have thought so but these pictures may have changed our minds…

1. Dubai, UAE

2. Barcelona, Spain

3. Moscow, Russia

4. Lisbon, Portugal
5. Munich, Germany
 6. Naples, Italy
 7. New York City, USA
8.  Taipei, Taiwan
9. Stockholm, Sweden
10. Novosibirsk, Russia
11. Toronto, Canada

Image credits: Moscow (Viacheslav Lopatin/Shutterstock), Stockholm (Mikhail Markovskiy/Dreamstime), Taiwan (Nicholashan/Dreamstime), Munich (Manwolste/Dreamstime), Toronto (Jamie Sarner), Naples (, Barcelona (Achim Lammerts/Flickr).


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