There’s a Petition to Add Period-Themed “Femojis” to Keyboards

With the hope to encourage females to talk about their periods, an otherwise taboo topic that’s slowly becoming less so, Bodyform has launched a campaign to have “femojis” added to the official unicode keyboard.

And in a world where people are cool with using emojis of Kim Kardashian’s ass to communicate, this doesn’t really come as a surprise.

The marketing director of Bodyform, Nicola Coronado, said the company wants “to break down the taboos around periods.”

Image: Bodyform

Image: Bodyform

“There are currently 1,620 emojis on the unicode keyboard, but for the important things in life, like our periods, there is no way to express ourselves in this new universal language,” she said. 

The brand is asking for six icons, which would depict things like pads, a hot water bottle, a PMS-suffering cartoon, and a ‘bloated’ character to appear on the next keyboard update.

“Let’s be honest, if an aubergine can prosper on your list of frequently used emojis, we’re certain that you can find a million-and-one uses for Bodyform femojis!” says coronado. petition invites people to add their signature to make this new campaign become a reality. So if you’re cool with sending pads and hot water balloons to describe your menstrual cycle to your friends, sign away.

This launch follows on from rival brand Always’ most recent #LikeAGirl  campaign, which takes a critical look at the “shocking” way young women are represented by emojis and calls for more diversity from keyboards everywhere.

Clearly the tampon industry is having a tough week.
