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(00)7 Women Who Would Make a Kickass Jane Bond

As we all know, women rock just as much as men (just check out these awesome females crushing the food, tech and retail industry in Canada if you don’t believe us). So we think it’d be just swell if the ladies got a bigger slice of the pie in the entertainment biz.

Hotels from Movies You Have to Stay At Before You Die

Fan of travelling? Of course you are. What about movies? You like those too? Well, if you’re a filmophile who often succumbs to their wanderlust (a filmtrotter?), here is a list of leading role lodgings that you have to check out before your name ends up in the final credits.

Fifth Edition of the Bridal Boudoir Affair Set to Dazzle With James Bond Theme

Last week we had the upmost pleasure to be invited to an extremely intimate preview night for the fifth edition of the swanky Bridal Boudoir Affair put on by Maddy K Events + Weddings Atelier. Set in a deliciously decorated space next to an indoor pool inside the Hyatt Regency Montreal, James Bond and black tie swankiness were all aroun

James Bond et ses dames

Avec Toronto qui accueille la plus grande exposition de James Bond au monde, au TIFF Bell Lightbox, « Designing 007 : Fifty Years of Bond Style », et avec en plus la sortie du dernier film « Skyfall », nous avons pensé vous donner un rapide aperçu des acteurs qui ont façonné l’héritage de Bond ainsi que ses dames

Bond and His Girls Though the Ages

With Toronto’s ‘Designing 007: Fifty Years of Bond Style’ exhibit now in full swing at the TIFF Bell Lightbox, and Skyfall set to premiere tomorrow, we thought we’d give you a quick rundown of actors that shaped the Bond legacy and the ladies by his side