Career Advice

Stop Thinking So Much: The Problem with Overthinking

Stop Thinking So Much: The Problem with Overthinking

We all know the saying “trust your gut,” but as young professionals, the idea of working on instinct can be scary. Being the new generation of the working world, we are normally expected to learn from those who came before...
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YP Fusion: Four Essentials to Boost Your Career

As the definitive source for all things related to young professional life, we like to think we have learned a thing or two about what it takes to get ahead in the business world. Success rarely happens by fluke; it requires tools, strategy and dedication to take your career from good to great. Behold our top 4 tips to progress your career
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Take a Chance and Do Something That Scares You

Fear. It’s a small word, but a powerful one. It has the ability to make or break your dreams, paralyze you or propel you forward. It’s something that no one is exempt from; every person in this world experiences fear, whether they admit it or not.. Here's how to overcome that inevitable feeling and why taking a chance is a win-win
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A Broad A Job – Ahem, A Job Abroad

Do you feel like you've almost reached your dream only to realize that perhaps it isn't exactly what you envisioned it to be? Maybe you've undertaken a major move to make your vision a reality and are now stuck in a place with more questions than answers. Trust us, we can relate
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#TheUpsideNow: When the Student is Ready, the Teacher Appears

We all know how much success depends on getting that lucky break sometimes, which often comes in the form of meeting someone who can elevate your career to the next level. Only when you open yourself up to that possibility will you cross paths with that "teacher," whether it be a professional mentor or simply a new way of looking at things
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#TheUpsideNow: Open Your Eyes

Open your eyes to what lays right in front of you. In today’s #TheUpsideNow Julian Brass breaks down the truth behind how young professionals can dictate their own future by doing something that you already do every day
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#TheUpsideNow: Don't Stop

Think about all of the sacrifices you've made to reach your goals in life. You've likely already overcome many challenges and have given up a lot of things to put yourself in the position you're in now. You've always looked ahead and achieved things with optimism. So why would you stop?
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The Upside Now: Every Day is a New Life

When was the last time anything was achieved when living in the past? Certainly the past can provide meaningful learning experiences, but forgetting it and focusing on the moment will be what defines your happiness, success, and future
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The Upside Now: Just Noise

Imagine how much more productive you would be if you could just focus on what's on hand and ignore all the noise surrounding it. Whether it be a six-day work week or a quick take-out meal every now and then, here are some ways to maximize your output
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Tips for Making the Career Switch

Switching careers can be both an enlightening and potentially devastating decision. The many variables of making the switch can have a major impact on your professional life, confidence, relationships and finances. Consider the following if you're looking for a change of scenery
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