
Newsflash: Moms and Women Over 40 Can Still Be Sexy

Newsflash: Moms and Women Over 40 Can Still Be Sexy

The reality is that we live in a society that has historically told us that if you’re over 40 and female, you can pretty much kiss any chances of being viewed as sexy goodbye. Especially if you’re a mom; even...
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Going on a First Date in Your 20s vs. in Your 30s

If you’re playing the dating game, it can be pretty different depending on the decade you’re currently calling home. So we thought we’d break down some realities and expectations of a first date for you just in case you ever find yourself sitting across the table from someone living 10 years ahead or behind
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Here's Why Turning 30 is Awesome

Recently on Notable, we chatted with our favourite young professional MD, Dr. Jamie Rusen, to find out why it seems that our bodies change, and not really for the better, in and around the big three-O. While it was very helpful and insightful to find out just why we can’t drink like we used to, some who read the article were left a little wary of the future. So, in true Notable fashion, we would like to offer some balance
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“Why Can’t I Drink Like I Used to?” and Other Complaints About 30

So, you're 30. You have have noticed a new-found inability to drink like you used to, lose weight like you used to, recover from injuries like you used to, and not give a damn like you used to. To try to make sense of the various changes that occur in and around the big three-o, we have once again turned to our favorite young professional MD, Dr. Jamie Rusen
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What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Older

Unless you are on the lower end of the young professional age range, and want to look older in attempt to be taken more seriously, chances are that there will soon come a time where you will want to look younger and for people to look at you with surprise when you reveal your age
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